Presentation (pdf file)
Evaluation of public policies represents an important research line of CNR-Ircres, giving rise to both methodological and applied work. Our experience has shown that quality of evaluation is not only assured by the use of refined and advanced methods, but also by the correctness of the whole process of analysis. This is why a group of Ircres researchers have promoted an interchange group with the aim of sharing reflections and feedbacks on their work. The idea at the basis of the initiative is that sharing experiences and results was a way to improve the work in an empirical and practical perspective.
It encourages an inductive approach, in the sense that it fosters a reflection on the evaluation experiences so as to improve methodological tools and to ease their correct application. It encourages a frank but friendly discussion on the latest advancements, by easing their diffusion.
- Calls for papers (on journals, conferences and special sessions in related fields)
- Conference announcements
- Periodical collections of open source or grey literature documents
- Periodical Bibliographical references about newly published papers and books
- Discussion forums
- Project calls
Joining MAILING-list
Who can join? Any researcher or practitioner in policy evaluation, agreeing with the spirit of the group:
- Accept to share experiences and discussions…
- … among both experts and young researchers
- … with a frank but friendly attitude in discussions
- ... without commercial aim
If you are interested in joining |
write a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., indicating your name and affiliation |
If you are interested in feeding the network with your experience and with relevant news, send them to the same address.
Call for paper and conference announcements will be circulated in any period of the year.
Bibliographical newsletters will be circulated on a periodical basis.
Bibliographical newsletter 2/2019 (15/12)
Bibliographical newsletter 1/2019 (07/08)
Bibliographical newsletter 2/2018 (11/11)
Bibliographical newsletter 1/2018 (08/05)
Bibliographical newsletter 2/2017 (30/11)
Bibliographical newsletter 1/2017 (30/06)
Bibliographical newsletter 2/2016 (14/12)
Bibliographical newsletter 1/2016 (08/04)
Bibliographical newsletter 1/2015 (23/12)
Important dates
Reporting new papers and publications for the bibliographical newsletter: | March 30TH |
The next bibliographical newsletter will occur in spring. You are invited to send us your form, within MARCH 30TH
Please send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
new works open source (reports, working papers, papers and presentation presented to conferences). In this case send
- the full bibliographical reference
- the file or the link to download it
- a short abstract (no more than 250 words)
bibliographical references of published works (articles or books). In this case send
- the full bibliographical reference
- a short abstract (no more than 250 words)
NEWS | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dear Together with the colleagues Alessandro Cusimano and Federico Fantechi (University of Palermo), I announce the organized session “Evaluating Policies in the Digital Age: The Potential and Role of AI, Big Data and Multidimensionality for Impact Analysis » , organized in the context of the XLV AISRe conference. This will be held in Torino (Italy) from 4 to 6 September 2024. Please find here the call for papers for the organized session, which will be an English speaking session. If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please go to the call for paper to find general information on the conference, while HERE you’ll find instructions on how to submit a paper; don’t forget to choose SO18 from the drop down meny on organized sessions. The call for papers is open until February 29th. For further information, please contact the organizers.
Elena Ragazzi for |
Dear our colleagues Marco Mariani (IRPET), Lisa Sella and Elena Ragazzi (CNR-Ircres) announce the special session “Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation » , organized in the context of the 63rd ERSA congress. This will be held in Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira Island (Azores) from from 26 to 30 August 2024 in hybrid form (some sessions in presence, some online). Please find here ( the call for papers for the special session, which will accept both proposals online and onsite. If you are interested in submitting an abstract, please go; there you’ll find instructions on how to submit a paper; moreover, here you’ll find general information on the congress: ; here is the full list of the 86 special sessions: The call for papers is open until January 30th. For further information, please contact the organizers. Elena Ragazzi for |
Dear We are happy to invite you to submit contributions for the call for paper of the “Third International Conference of the journal Scuola Democratica “Education and/for Social Justice” that will be held on il 3-4-5-6 giugno 2024 at the University of Cagliari. In that context Valentina Lamonica e Maddalena Bartolini will be chairs of the session: The role of informal and non-formal education in fostering youth agency. Keywords: Informal education; nonformal education; young people; adolescents; inclusion, evaluation. More details: deadline: 10 febbraio 2024. Here more information concerning the Conference Please contact Valentina and Maddalena for any other further information, Elena Ragazzi for |
Dear We announce you the that the webinar series "Evaluation of safety and security policies" is back with an exciting new calendar. The first 2023 webinar will occur on January 26th 13:00-14:30 CET and will be devoted to Cyber risk management: insights from the insurance domain. The seminar aims to present the insurance-type approaches that are adopted in the field of cybersecurity to economically quantify the value of risk and adopt virtuous risk-management models; it underlines the importance of including the economic vision in the strategic choices and in the research on cybersecurity; it will also show the potential of models and approaches that could find new extensions to other types of risk. Click here to access. Zoom webinar ID: 997 9777 7262, Passcode: 340993
The webinar series is jointly organized by CNR-Ircres (the Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth) and GSSI (Gran Sasso Science Institute). It will present some research studies on the evaluation of safety and security policies. The risks addressed by these policies appear to be very far from each other, nevertheless they share some common features and issues than represent a common ground for researchers. For this reason, the seminars will open the discussion over the boundaries of the community of field specialists, with the goal of building a common wisdom as economists. We will explore new concepts and methods to afford the huge challenges that socio-economic analysis and impact evaluation face when addressing safety and security. The recordings and presentations of the 2022 webinar series are available here:
Best regards,
Elena Rgazzi for
Dear We announce to you the webinar Economics for disaster preparedness, the third event of the series "Evaluation of safety and security policies". The webinar will occur on 31st March 2022, 14:00 – 15:30, and will be devoted to natural disaster impacts and policies. To register for the webinar, please go to this link: You will receive a zoom link to participate. This seminar series, jointly organized by CNR-Ircres (the Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth) and GSSI (Gran Sasso Science Institute), will present some research studies on the evaluation of safety and security policies. The risks addressed by these policies appear to be very far from each other, nevertheless, they share some common features and issues than represent a common ground for researchers. For this reason, the seminars will open the discussion over the boundaries of the community of field specialists, with the goal of building common wisdom as economists. We will explore new concepts and methods to afford the huge challenges that socio-economic analysis and impact evaluation face when addressing safety and security. You can find the records of the previous webinars (the first webinar about Road Safety policies, and the second webinar about Occupational Safety and Health policies) via this link: Do not hesitate to contact the organizers for more details, or to be informed on the future events of the series. Elena for |
Dear We want to inform you on the international conference dedicated to data and free and open source geographic software, FOSS4G 2022, to be held in Florence, Italy, from 22 to 28 August []. The conference will include general and academic sessions, as well as the usual workshops and social activities before and after the conference, which will be great opportunities for exchanging experiences between all participants in an informal and friendly atmosphere. It is possible to submit abstracts both within the General Track and the Academic Track until February 28, 2022 through the Pretalx platform (call for papers here After the usual review process, the papers submitted in the Academic Track will be able to be published in The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences (indexed in Scopus). |
Dear We want to inform you on the call for paper for the special session S10 - Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation, that Marco Mariani, Lisa Sella and myself launched for the 2022 ERSA Conference. You will find the call for papers enclosed. Elena for |
Dear We want to invite you to submit an abstract to the organized sessions on policy evaluations organized in the context of the AISRe conference:
Both of them will be English speaking sessions. To have information on the conference go here: To access the complete list of organized sessions go here: To submit a paper go here . The deadline is February 27th, 2022. Do not hesitate to contact the organizers for more details. Elena for |
Dear I would like to draw your attention on this interesting call for papers: "System Dynamics and Quantitative Methods for the Analysis of Societal Threats" in Systems journal (ISSN 2079-8954) Submission Deadline: 31 May 2021 - Feature papers: these are papers from top scientists relevant in the field of inquiry for the Special Issue, that would have the time to submit their work (then published for free, without paying the APC) until the deadline (but we need to know asap who they would be because they have to be validated by the SYSTEMS management) I hope that this Special Issue is of interest to any of you and/or to whoever you think could have an interest in it (feel free to disseminate in your networks, if you consider it relevant), in which case do not hesitate to get in touch with Stefano Armenia, one of the invited editors of the special issue.
Elena Ragazzi for |
We are happy to announce the call for paper for the Special session Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation organized for ERSA2021 by Lisa, Marco and myself. The 60th edition of the ERSA Annual Congress is planned to take place in Bolzano (Italy) from 24 to 27 August, but other scenarios than a full physical gathering are considered. Click here to download the call for papers for the special session. Following the very good achievement of previous conferences, we decided to organize again a session devoted to counterfactual impact evaluation, which shares the same empirical and inductive approach of our network. In fact, theoretical approaches to CIE can be highly enriched by discussion and by feedbacks from empirical research. We invite researchers who have already experimented counterfactual approaches to regional policy evaluation to discuss their experience, enhancing the debate upon counterfactual impact evaluation. The main aim of this session is to discuss various methodological aspects and their implications, particularly concerning: strategies and methodologies for comparison group selection, corrections for selection bias, alternative estimates and validation, computational topics related to data sources and data management suited for evaluation problems, etc. Theoretical, econometrical, and applied papers are welcome. Since the session aims at assessing methodological approaches rather than reviewing empirical results, we invite authors to address the following points:
For further details, you may contact Marco Mariani This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Elena Ragazzi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Lisa Sella This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. The call for paper will open Monday 15thand will close on March 9th. I also invite you to consult the special session list , including a total of 61 proposals accepted; you may find further interesting chances of presenting your work. We look forward to meeting you again! Elena, Lisa and Marco |
Italian version Le persone interessate possono inviare le loro manifestazioni a Elena ragazzi (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) e Lisa Sella (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), che sono anche disponibili per fornire ulteriori informazioni o per colloqui in remoto. ____________________________ Profile 2: quantitative economic analysis / evaluation / applied economics Submissions by foreign candidates are welcome, provided that they are available to work in our institute in Moncalieri when the coronavirus crisis will be concluded. Interested people can send their letters of interest to Elena Ragazzi (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Lisa Sella (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), who are also available to provide further information and for remote interviews. |
Dear The 60th ERSA Congress this year will be held in Bolzano (Bozen) August 25-28, 2020. March 2nd, 2020 is the deadline to submit an abstract. I invite you to submit a paper to the special session S46. Circular economy and regional science: which perspectives? that Eveline van Leeuwen and I are organizing in this context. You will also find the specific call for papers joined to this message. Following a growing interest by the policymakers to the circular economy, we decided to organize a session devoted to it. The circular economy can be an opportunity to move towards a new societal model, ecologically more virtuous and socially less unequal, but the road is long and complex. We can, therefore, wonder how the public policies are taking into account the circular economy and ask the question of the evaluation of these public policies trying to deploy the circular economy within the territories.
For further details, you may contact Sebastien Bourdin (Professor, Normandy Business School, FRANCE) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Eveline van Leeuwen (Full Professor Urban Economics, Wageningen University & Research, The NETHERLANDS) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. To submit a paper, please consult the call for papers of the conference and then access the submission portal. It will be kind of you to communicate also to the organisers your intention to present a paper. Submission of an abstract (200-400 words) and of an extended abstract (1,200-2,000 words) or of a full (draft) paper are required for the March deadline. If your proposal is accepted, the registration for the congress and the upload of a full (draft) paper will be required within June 15th, 2020.
Be aware that only 10 days are left before the deadline!
Please consider the two sessions proposed by members of our network: Special session S22 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation (Organisers Marco Mariani, Lisa Sella and Elena Ragazzi). Special session Session Convergence outcomes of Cohesion Policy: Evidence from the Past and Future Perspectives (S18) (Organised by the Baltic section of ERSA) Finally, I also invite you to consult the special session list, to look for other interesting chances of presenting your work.
Elena Ragazzi for |
Dear AISRe, the Italian section of the Regional Science Association, is according great interest to policy evaluation studies. For this reason, we proposed a special session for the 2020 Annual conference that will be held in Lecce, 2-4 September. You will find enclosed the call for paper for the special session entitled “EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION OF POLICIES FOR THE SOCIETY AND FOR LOCAL COMMUNITIES” You are warmly invited to consider to send a proposal for this session, who will welcome presentations in English, alongside the ones in Italian. In particular, the session may host oral presentations both in English and Italian. However, English must be used to prepare powerpoints. You will find the general call for papers of the conference at this link, while to send your proposals, please follow the instructions available at this page: You have to send your abstract within March 5th. Don’t forget to indicate the special session you are addressing, by choosing the options “SO-09-Effectiveness evaluation of policies for the society and for local communities (La valutazione dell’efficacia delle politiche per la società e per le comunità locali) (Ragazzi Elena) by the list. For questions of further details you may contact the session organisers Lisa Sella and Elena Ragazzi. Hope to meet you in Lecce! Elena Ragazzi for |
Dear The 60th ERSA Congress this year will be held in Bolzano (Bozen) August 25-28, 2020. March 2nd, 2020 is the deadline to submit an abstract. I invite you to submit a paper to the special session S22 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation that Marco, Lisa and I organised in this context. You will also find the specific call for papers joined to this message. Following the very good achievement of previous conferences, we decided to organize again a session devoted to counterfactual impact evaluation, which shares the same empirical and inductive approach of our network. In fact, theoretical approaches to CIE can be highly enriched by discussion and by feedbacks from empirical research. We invite researchers who have already experimented counterfactual approaches to regional policy evaluation to discuss their experience, enhancing the debate upon counterfactual impact evaluation. The main aim of this session is to discuss various methodological aspects and their implications, particularly concerning: strategies and methodologies for comparison group selection, corrections for selection bias, alternative estimates and validation, computational topics related to data sources and data management suited for evaluation problems, etc. Theoretical, econometrical, and applied papers are welcome. Since the session aims at assessing methodological approaches rather than reviewing empirical results, we invite authors to address the following points:
For further details, you may contact Marco Mariani This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Elena Ragazzi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Lisa Sella This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. To submit a paper, please consult the call for papers of the conference and then access the submission portal. It will be kind of you to communicate also to us your intention to present a paper. Submission of an abstract (200-400 words) and of an extended abstract (1,200-2,000 words) or of a full (draft) paper are required for the March deadline. If your proposal is accepted, the registration for the congress and the upload of a full (draft) paper will be required within June 15th, 2020. I also invite you to consult the special session list, to look for other interesting chances of presenting your work. Elena Ragazzi for |
Cari membri italiani di Il Centro di ricerca VOIS sulla Valutazione di Outcome e di Impatto Sociale dei Programmi Complessi (Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell'Università di Pisa) bandisce un Assegno di Ricerca di n.12 mesi per attività di ricerca nel campo del "Monitoraggio e valutazione di impatto sociale dei progetti di Contrasto alla Povertà Educativa". Sono richieste competenze ed esperienze maturate nel campo della raccolta, trattamento e analisi dei dati quali-quantitativi e nella progettazione e costruzione di indicatori per il monitoraggio. Il bando è consultabile al seguente link: Scadenza: 15 febbraio 2020. Per ulteriori informazioni il referente dell’iniziativa è Gabriele Tomei This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Dear The 60th ERSA Congress this year will be held in Bolzano (Bozen) August 25-28, 2020. March 2nd, 2020 is the deadline to submit an abstract. I invite you to submit a paper to the special session S22 Counterfactual methods for regional policy evaluation that Marco, Lisa and I organised in this context. You will also find the specific call for papers joined to this message. Following the very good achievement of previous conferences, we decided to organize again a session devoted to counterfactual impact evaluation, which shares the same empirical and inductive approach of our network. In fact, theoretical approaches to CIE can be highly enriched by discussion and by feedbacks from empirical research. We invite researchers who have already experimented counterfactual approaches to regional policy evaluation to discuss their experience, enhancing the debate upon counterfactual impact evaluation. The main aim of this session is to discuss various methodological aspects and their implications, particularly concerning: strategies and methodologies for comparison group selection, corrections for selection bias, alternative estimates and validation, computational topics related to data sources and data management suited for evaluation problems, etc. Theoretical, econometrical, and applied papers are welcome. Since the session aims at assessing methodological approaches rather than reviewing empirical results, we invite authors to address the following points:
For further details, you may contact Marco Mariani This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , Elena Ragazzi This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Lisa Sella This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. To submit a paper, please consult the call for papers of the conference and then access the submission portal. It will be kind of you to communicate also to us your intention to present a paper. Submission of an abstract (200-400 words) and of an extended abstract (1,200-2,000 words) or of a full (draft) paper are required for the March deadline. If your proposal is accepted, the registration for the congress and the upload of a full (draft) paper will be required within June 15th, 2020. I also invite you to consult the special session list, to look for other interesting chances of presenting your work.
Elena Ragazzi for |
I hope that you have passed a wonderful vacation time; I wish a happy 2020 to all of you and to your families. This is the first news of 2020, which will be the sixth year since the creation of this network: half a decade passed together!
Coming to the object of this news, the ERSA Baltic section invites you to participate in Special Session Convergence outcomes of Cohesion Policy: Evidence from the Past and Future Perspectives (S18) during 60th ERSA Congress that will be held in Bolzano (Bozen) August 25-28, 2020. You can contribute in the following ways:
If you have further questions, please contact by e-mail Diana Cibilskiene, Vice-president of ERSA Baltic section (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or our member Kristina Matuzeviciute (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Elena Ragazzi for |
Dear The AISRe conference, held in l’Aquila in September, hosted for the second time a Special Session devoted to the evaluation of policies for the society and for local communities. The special session, organised by Lisa Sella and myself, hosted 6 papers that were lively discussed. Following the policy of the Italian session of regional sciences, to host English speaking sessions to allow foreign scientists to participate, the session welcomed foreign authors and guests and for this reason most presentations are available in English. All the authors agreed to circulate their presentation. You may download them at the following link:
I take the chance to circulate the link to download the presentations given at the Special Session devoted to counterfactual impact evaluation at the Lyon ERSA congress. Two more authors agreed to circulate their presentations, and so now all presented works may now be consulted through this link:
Elena Ragazzi for |
Dear The ERSA conference, held in Lyon in August, hosted for the fifth time a Special Session devoted to counterfactual impact evaluation. The special session, organised by Marco Mariani, Lisa Sella and myself, hosted 11 papers that were lively discussed. Most of the authors agreed to circulate their presentation. You may download it at the following link: I draw your attention on the fact that you may find also Guido Pellegrini’s presentation. He could not attend the conference but he sent his presentation anyway. Although in Lyon we missed his frank and friendly comments, I’m sure we will enjoy reading the presentation.
Elena Ragazzi for |
Cari membri italiani di Come già avvenuto nelle precedenti edizioni, la Conferenza Annuale dell’AISRe, che quest’anno si terrà all’Aquila fra il 16 e il 18 settembre, ospita numerose sessioni tematiche dedicate alla valutazione delle politiche. Potrete trovare nella tabella sotto la lista delle sessioni organizzate esplicitamente con tema valutativo, e se molti ulteriori lavori sono anche presentati in sessioni diverse.
Informazioni complete sul convegno possono essere trovate qui: Spero di incontrare molti di voi fra i presenti all’Aquila. Elena Ragazzi |
Dear Cedefop has launched a call for tenders on "Support and incentives to learning and careers –Lot 1 & Lot 2". It might be interesting for some of our members. The primary objective of this framework contract is the acquisition of services to develop two studies to analyse the costs and results (outputs, outcomes and documented impacts) of financial and non-financial support to individuals and enterprises in undertaking learning activities and developing careers.
Lot 1 addresses the pressing need to:
Lot 2 aims at:
The deadline for submitting tenders is the 16/09/2019 (16h00 Central European Time). Requests for additional information/clarifications should be received by 06/09/2019, 23h59 Central European time.
You can find all related tender documents under the following link:
Other similar announcements can be found at Cedefop web site here:
Elena Ragazzi for |
Dear members of The 8th bibliographical newsletter of our network will occur soon. You are invited to send us, within June 30th , a mail in which you indicate recently published works in the field of impact evaluation. In particular if you have authored or co-authored new works please send us
In both cases, please fill the enclosed form, keeping the proposed format, so that it is easier to edit the newsletter afterwards. We inform you that we accept to disseminate also unpublished work (such as working papers or papers presented at conferences) and reports that are not written in English, but an abstract in English must be provided and authors should be available to give further information on the research work to interested colleagues. Best regards Elena Ragazzi for |
Anche quest'anno Davide Azzolini e Loris Vergolini di FBK-IRVAPP organizzeranno una sessione su "La valutazione di impatto delle politiche pubbliche" all'interno della conferenza ESPANET che si terrà ad Urbino dal 19 al 21 settembre. La call for papers si trova al seguente link: Di seguito alcune informazioni generali: - la sessione è la numero 12 (; - la deadline per inviare gli abstract è il 14 aprile 2019; - la comunicazione dell'accettazione dei paper avverrà entro il 28 aprile 2019. Per qualsiasi ulteriore informazione potete contattare gli organizzatori. |
AISRe, the Italian section of the Regional Science Association, is according a great interest to policy evaluation studies. Three special sessions have been organised at the Annual conference that will be held in L’Aquila, 16-18 September. The program will be scheduled so as to avoid overlapping and to allow interested participants to follow all the sections. You will find enclosed the call for paper for the special session entitled “EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION OF POLICIES FOR THE SOCIETY AND FOR LOCAL COMMUNITIES” You are warmly invited to consider to send a proposal for this session, who will welcome also presentations in English: You will find the general call for papers of the conference at this link, while you may send your proposals by accessing to the congress web portal You have to send a 300/400 word abstract within March 22th. Don’t forget to indicate the special session you are addressing, by choosing the options “SO-24-La valutazione dell’efficacia delle politiche per la società e per le comunità locali (Effectiveness evaluation of policies for the society and for local communities) (Ragazzi Elena) by the list. For questions of further details you may contact the session organisers This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Hope to meet you in L'Aquila! |
“LE DONNE NELLE ASSEMBLEE ELETTIVE” Il cammino che le donne hanno fatto e stanno facendo verso una piena opportunità di rappresentanza costituisce un percorso verso una cittadinanza piena, che deve partire da una presenza quantitativa realmente paritaria nella politica e nel mondo delle istituzioni, oltreché nel mercato del lavoro. Si tratta ancora di un percorso troppo spesso accidentato, fatto di luci e di ombre, in cui i segnali di aumento della componente femminile in ruoli di primo piano debbono essere costantemente monitorati e migliorati, affinché si accompagnino a una reale e riconosciuta partecipazione delle donne alla presa di decisioni. In questo quadro, viene proposta una analisi della presenza e della partecipazione delle donne nelle assemblee elettive, partendo dai dati quantitativi, interpretandoli come punto di partenza per una riflessione sugli impatti positivi che l’equilibrio di genere porta nella governance dei territori. saluti istituzionali interventi Cosa apre le porte delle assemblee elettive alle donne? Oltre le quote: strategie e dinamiche di genere per un buon governo dei territori Per informazioni e iscrizioni: |
Sébastien Bourdin and Elena Ragazzi, in the role of guest editors, are pleased to announce the publication of a special issue on the performance of regional policies in Europe. The special issue "La performance des politiques régionales en Europe" on the RERU – Revue d’économie régionale et urbaine is devoted to the topic of public policy evaluation. It discusses, starting from lessons deriving from a survey of research works, quantitative and qualitative approaches adopted in the field of regional sciences, and it opens to the challenges for future research. |
La Regione Autonoma della Sardegna ha pubblicato un Avviso per la formazione di una Short list di esperti a supporto del Nucleo Regionale di Valutazione e Verifica degli Investimenti Pubblici (NVVIP), istituito ai sensi dell'art.1 della L.144/99, in attuazione della Deliberazione della Giunta Regionale n. 16/19 del 28.3.2017. Chi fosse interessato ha la possibilità di inviare candidature entro il 24 maggio alle ore 13.00. Di seguito gli indirizzi web di riferimento:
Per eventuali chiarimenti potete contattare Eloisa Canu all’indirizzo email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
The 31st ERSA Summer School "Regional Policy Analysis and Planning - Evaluation Theory and Practice" will be held from 1st to 8th July, 2018 in Bratislava. During the summer school programme, selected participants will present their research and get feedback from proven scholars. They will also learn and discuss new challenges in policy evaluation theory and practice with prominent lecturers including: Jan Fidrmuc, Ugo Fratesi, Gunther Maier, Joaquim Oliveira Martins, Guido Pellegrini, Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Attila Varga. Places are limited to 30 participants. Please note: deadline March 9th. Further details and application here: |
E’ stata organizzata una sessione su policy evaluation all'interno della conferenza ESPAnet Italia (Firenze, 13-15 settembre 2018). Se foste interessati a presentare i vostri lavori nella nostra sessione, qui trovate il link della call for paper: La scadenza è il 30 marzo 2018. Per ulteriori informazioni potete contattare l’organizzatore della sessione Loris Vergolini This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
The Manlio Rossi-Doria Center for Economic and Social Research of Roma Tre University is instituting an International School for advanced training: Public Policy Impact Assessment. Concepts, Methods, Applications. Download Flyer Scuola (italiano, PDF) The School’s purpose is to provide the tools needed to assess the impact of government policies, in particular programs for territorial, industrial and trade development. The School is designed for an audience with an interest and engagement in this kind of policy evaluation such as government functionaries, administrators, private professionals, researchers or doctoral students. The objective is to provide participants with the skills and capability for overall policy assessment, studying techniques in close association and interdependence with the specific context of the policies analysed. The School course will be held at the Economics Department of Roma Tre University with the following schedule: 1) industrial and territorial policies (June 11th-15th: in Italian); 2) trade policies with a development perspective (June 18th-22nd: in English). For further information, please contact the secretary of the course at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or check the site: |
The Journal of Economic Policy has launched a call for paper for a special issue on “Evaluating public policies with econometric models”. Guest editors are Guido de Blasio (Bank of Italy, Rome), Maria De Paola (University of Calabria, IZA) and Vincenzo Scoppa (University of Calabria, IZA and PEJEP associate editor). Papers of no more than 10,000 words (including abstract, keywords and JEL classification codes, and the additional information “Evaluating Public Policies Special Issue”) should be submitted to
Manuscript submission deadline: May 15, 2018 |
Interdisciplinary Political Studies (IdPS) has opened a call for applications for membership of the Editorial Board. For full information please consult this link: Applications should be addressed to the editors of the journal by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. enclosing a short CV with a subject title of ‘IdPS EB application’ (deadline 30/03). |
This is a reminder that the deadline for submission of abstracts for the 2018 Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA, Cork, 28-31 August) is fast approaching – 28 February 2018. Please consider submitting your abstract to one of the sessions by visiting, and in particular to one of the sessions concerning policy evaluation.
Apart the session on Counterfactual impact evaluation (already announced with NEWS N. 1), I would also like to draw your attention to the special session on EU Cohesion Policy organised jointly by Riccardo Crescenzi, Ugo Fratesi and Vassilis Monastiriotis – S46 Thirty years of EU Cohesion Policy: What works? Where? for Whom?
“Thirty years of EU Cohesion Policy: What works? Where? for Whom?” Session Organisers: Riccardo Crescenzi (London School of Economics – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), Ugo Fratesi (Politecnico di Milano - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Vassilis Monastiriotis (London School of Economics - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
The ongoing scholarly and policy debates on past achievements and future perspectives of EU Cohesion Policy has moved from narrow questions on the overall policy impact (‘Does it work?’) to the more nuanced questions on the conditions that shape heterogeneous impacts (‘What works?’) across regions and policy areas. The debate is also giving increasing emphasis to the diversity of impacts that Cohesion Policy can bring about in the EU regions in terms of broader socio-economic, environmental and welfare level transformations. Convincing evidence-based answers to these questions are central to the debate on the future of EU Cohesion Policy after 2020 in the framework of increasing budget constraints following Brexit. This Special Session invites papers that explore the features of EU Cohesion Policy and heterogeneous models of policy implementation in order to link them with heterogeneous impacts (‘For whom?’) and localized conditioning factors (‘Where?’). In order to address these fundamental issues this special session encourages papers that adopt appropriate methods for counterfactual analysis and/or capture the factors conditioning success and failure of Cohesion policy. Rigorous in-depth case studies are also very welcome. The discussion of this selection of papers will make it possible to single out a set of high-level policy implications and contribute to the design of an agenda for future research in this field, informing an evidence-based debate on the future of EU Cohesion Policy.
You can find more information about the special session and the CfP at: |
Position for PostDoc on REGIONAL ECONOMICS. Dijon (France), 12 months
European Week of Regions and Cities 2017
NEWS | Dear ![]() On behalf of Marusca De Castris (University of Roma Tre, Department of Political Science This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. I announce you that the Department of Political Science, University Roma Tre has organized an international workshop: "Recent Advances in Causal Inference for Policy Evaluation". The workshop is endorsed by Italian Association of Regional Science (AISRe). This is an advanced workshop in policy evaluation, focused on several econometric methods used to draw causal claims about the effectiveness of public policies and programs. The topics covered have special salience in the field of program evaluation. Often depending on the identification strategy used, different empirical studies might give different or even opposite answers to the same policy question. For this reason, it is crucial to understand pro and cons of the research designs and the econometric tools employed to generate such findings. To this end, the workshop will present recent advances in the field of casual inference such as mediation analysis, interaction among units, sample selection, and endogeneity in the presence of heterogeneous effects.
Schedule: May: 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 30, 31 Weekly Seminars on May 2017
Guest Speakers: Giovanni Mellace, University of Southern Denmark May: 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 30, 31 Laura Forastiere, University of Florence May: 18 The venue is Department of Political Science, University Roma Tre, Via Gabriello Chiabrera, 199 Rome.
I would be grateful if you could bring this message to the attention of PhD students and to anyone who might be interested. For further information and registration, please click on the button below: Secretary: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.